Multi-column Label Template

What is Multi-column Label

A multi-column label, also referred to as 2-up labels or side-by-side labels, is a label design that incorporates several columns of information or content. Instead of a single-column layout, a multi-column label divides the label space into two or more columns.

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Various Styles

Multi-column labels have both row and column attributes, so it's important to grasp their meaning. We've included all the examples below to aid your understanding.


Row oriented

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Column oriented

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Two-row, one-column

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One-row, two-column

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Now that you can distinguish label types, the following example will guide you through creating a label.

Create a Multi-column Label Template

We will use Dymo 30299 as an example. The label width is 54mm and the label height is 11mm.


What's Next

Please follow the printer setup for multi-column labels to generate your roll labels.

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